A space where you will find informative and at times entertaining articles, stories and historical information that was inherited from my mother the late Elma Lathuillerie Reyes.
My mother was raised from a very young age in the borough of Arima which is located on the twin island Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, the most Southerly isle of the Caribbean.
She spent her early adult life as a writer and journalist for various print media in her birth country, the Caribbean and North America. She was the Public Relations and Research Officer for the First Peoples of Arima (then Santa Rosa Carib Community) a position that was dear to her heart because of her love for country, environment, ancestral and natural history.
After resigning her position from the Carib Community she resumed her first love....writing story books on local folklore and nursery rhymes for young children until she succumbed to a battle with cancer in 2000.